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MyTax Illinois Guide to filing Forms W-2, W-2c, W-2G and 1099 - Requires an active login

To submit Forms W-2, W-2c, W-2G and 1099 to the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) using your MyTax Illinois Withholding Income Tax account (active login required), enter the information manually or upload a CSV file. Note: There is a new submission that does not require login. For the non-login option instructions, see IDR-996, MyTax Illinois Non-Login Bulk Upload Submission Guide, EFW2/EFW2C/FIRE Format.

Follow these steps to submit your Form W-2 and 1099 information to IDOR via MyTax Illinois:

  1. Login to your MyTax Illinois account and select "View More Account Options" from the Withholding Income Tax account panel.
  2. Locate the "W-2 and 1099 Forms" box and select the link applicable to your filing.

    If you have more than one document type (e.g., Forms W-2 and W-2c) then you must make separate submissions.
  3. Manually enter your withholding records, or upload a CSV file. Before using the import option, you will need to create a file using the CSV format for your form:

    CSV file instructions for Form W-2
    CSV file instructions for Form W-2c
    CSV file instructions for Form W-2G
    CSV file instructions for Form 1099

    Note: While completing your submission, any records that you previously had manually entered in your submission will be overwritten if you subsequently upload a CSV file. If you need to submit more than one CSV file, you must make more than one submission.
  4. Click “Import” and select the file on your computer. Click “Import” to upload your file.

Review your records in MyTax Illinois. You can edit or manually add other records prior to submitting your request. Totals for Federal Wages, Federal Withholding, Illinois Wages and Illinois Withholding appear after the last row. When you are satisfied the records are correct, choose “Submit.” You will be asked to enter your password as verification. You may withdraw or edit your request after it has been submitted and is still in a “Pending” status. Once your request is completed, if you find errors, you will need to submit the corrected version of the form you have submitted.

  • To correct a previously submitted W-2 or W-2c, you must submit form W-2c.
  • To correct a previously submitted W-2G, submit a new W-2G with “Y” in the corrected column.
  • To correct a previously submitted Form 1099, submit a new 1099 with “Y” in the corrected column.

You can print your confirmation screen for your records after submission.

To download records that you have submitted, select “Export.” Your export file will be in .ods file format.

Your request will be viewable in MyTax Illinois after you have submitted it. You can view your submission by clicking the “View Account Submissions” link within the “Periods and Submissions” box of your Withholding Income Tax account.