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Tax Rate Database
All taxes the Illinois Department of Revenue administers are below. Some tax rates are the same for all taxpayers (fixed rates) and some are determined by location (location-based). Click here to see the list of taxes and whether they are a fixed or location-based rate.
Property Tax - Property Tax Rate Tables are available in the Property Tax Statistics area by tax year in tables 27 and 28.
Sales Tax - Sales tax rate changes generally occur effective January 1 or July 1 of each year.
- MyTax Illinois Tax Rate Finder - Online tool used to look-up by individual location either origin-based or destination-based sales tax rates, including locally imposed sales taxes.
- Machine Readable Files - County/Municipality Specific - Used by software developers and electronic transmitters for Illinois retailers to determine origin-based sales tax rates.
- Machine Readable Files - Address Specific - Used by software developers and electronic transmitters for Remote Retailers and Marketplace Facilitators to determine destination-based sales tax rates.
- Reciprocal - Non-Reciprocal Vehicle Tax Rate Chart (ST-58) - Updated annually.