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Overview of Township/Multi-township Certification
The Department is required under Sections 2-45 and 2-50 of the Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/2-45 and 2-50) to certify assessor pre-election qualifications by February 1 of the year prior to the election. All candidates for the offices of township and multi-township assessor must satisfy pre-election qualifications based upon the equalized assessed value (EAV) of property in their assessment district.
Official certifications are emailed to the Chief County Assessment Officer and the County Clerk. Our official certification of pre-election qualifications for the offices of township and multi-township assessor can be found on our Property Tax Page.
A copy of the Township or Multi-Township Assessor Qualifications Chart can also be found at the above website. This chart may assist you in explaining the pre-election qualification requirements to those interested in appointment or election to the office of township or multi-township assessor. The chart lists the approved designations for larger and intermediate townships and multi-townships as well as approved introductory courses for the smaller townships and multi-townships.
Please note that under Section 2-45 a candidate must file a certificate of his or her educational qualification with the township or multi-township clerk, the board of election commissioners, or other appropriate election authority prior to appointment, contract, filing nominating papers, or participating as a candidate in any caucus, primary, or general election for the office of township or multi-township assessor. If the certificate of educational qualification is not filed, the election authority must refuse to certify the name of the candidate to the proper election officials.
Township and multi-township boards may petition the Department for a revision of these pre-election qualifications under Section 2-52 of the Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/2-52). The petition process is described in the administrative rule (Section 110.162). When reviewing this rule, please note:
- The time period for filing petitions is from February 1 to April 1, 2024. The Department will not consider any petition that has a postmark, date-stamp, or fax transmission receipt date after April 1, 2024.
- There are only limited circumstances under which the Department will authorize a revision of these pre-election qualifications. The fact that a significant part of the township or multi-township assessor's duties have been or will be performed by the chief county assessing officer or other entity will not be considered when the Department reviews a petition.
- If the petition states that the chief county assessment officer will assess certain commercial or industrial property within the assessment district during the term of office for which the petition is made, the petition must include a signed and dated copy of a written agreement between the township or multi-township board of trustees, the chief county assessment officer, and the county board for the chief county assessment officer to assess that property for at least the period of time covering the term associated with the immediately following election for the township or multi-township assessor (e.g., for a petition filed in 2024, the assessment agreement must indicate that property within the township or multi-township assessment district will be assessed by the Chief County Assessment Officer for at least the period of time from January 1, 2026 until December 31, 2029). An affidavit is not acceptable for this requirement.
If you have any questions concerning pre-election qualifications, contact the Illinois Department of Revenue at REV.PropTaxEd@illinois.gov.