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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Language Access Plan Overview


The Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) is a state agency charged with serving Illinois taxpayers by administering Illinois tax laws and collecting tax revenues in a fair, consistent, and efficient manner. There are four major IDOR program areas that are public facing (Taxpayer Services, Collections, Account Processing, and Audits). These four program areas represent approximately ninety percent of the interactions between the public and IDOR. Moreover, IDOR is aware that twenty-three (23) percent of Illinois residents communicate in a language other than English at home1. Consequently, IDOR is committed to providing meaningful access to programs and services to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP).

IDOR’s Language Access Plan (LAP) establishes policies, procedures, and guidelines on providing LEP services. The Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Officer has been appointed by the Director of IDOR as the Language Access Coordinator (“Coordinator”). A Language Access Committee (“Committee”) has been created and will serve in an advisory capacity to the Coordinator. The Coordinator and Committee are responsible for the administration and monitoring of IDOR’s language access plan and initiatives, and LEP policies, procedures, and guidelines.

IDOR’s language access plan is guided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Department of Justice’s Aug 11, 2000, Executive Order 13166. IDOR also values secondary language skills and encourages the hiring and retention of bilingual employees.

Language Access Services

The following LEP services are provided based on point of contact:

Walk In

LEP individuals can utilize either an in-house interpreter (e.g., Spanish-speaking Revenue Tax Specialist) or, if an in-house interpreter is unavailable, IDOR will coordinate a three (3) way call with IDOR staff, the taxpayer, and an interpreter from Propio Language Services. IDOR does allow taxpayers to use their own interpreter and can also use the Propio Language Services to ensure information is being interpreted appropriately.

At all IDOR offices taxpayers will be met with posted information on LEP services and how to access them. IDOR staff will offer free LEP services to all taxpayers.

Call Center

Taxpayer Services’ Call Centers are set up with Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) units. When a call is received, the IVR guides the caller through the system based upon the responses. Based on those responses, the IVR may be able to answer the inquiry, or the caller may choose to speak with an agent. IDOR is updating other call centers to allow for additional IVR services.

LEP individuals can utilize either an in-house interpreter (e.g., Spanish-speaking RTS) or, if an in-house interpreter is unavailable, IDOR will coordinate a 3-way call with IDOR staff, the taxpayer, and an interpreter from Propio Language Services. Proprio provides interpretation services in more than 79 languages and dialects.

Mail Correspondence

IDOR provides limited LEP services for written correspondence. IDOR’s Federal/State Exchange Unit uses free form letters to communicate with taxpayers who have identified Spanish as their preferred language. IDOR is working to expand these services.

Email Correspondence

Dedicated Spanish speaking IDOR employees are available to provide services and address concerns for Collections, Taxpayer Services, and the Federal/State Exchange Unit via email. Spanish speaking IDOR employees are responsible for responding timely to emails, typically within two business days. IDOR is working to expand these services.

Website/Web-based Applications

IDOR’s external website is supported by WeGlot translation. Any content residing on IDOR webpages can be translated into six additional languages other than English.

IDOR will be documenting all interactions with LEP taxpayers to ensure consistency and quality in providing meaningful access to LEP resources.

Do You Have an Access Issue?

An access issue identifies barriers to access which may include things such as inaccessible websites, videos without captions, lack of interpreter or translation services, or barriers related to an event, service, program, or facility.

If you have an access issue, please complete the Access Complaint form and submit it within thirty (30) days, or as soon as possible, from the date of the incident by one of the following methods:

Mail To: Illinois Department of Revenue
              101 W. Jefferson St., MC-6-500
              Springfield, IL 62702
              Attention: EEO Officer

Email to:

Fax to: 217-782-6337

  1. U.S. Census Bureau. (2020). American Community Survey 5-year Estimates Languages Spoken at Home. Retrieved from United States Census Bureau data.

Language Access Plan Overview - 08/22