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File a Business Tax Return
File Using MyTax Illinois
MyTax Illinois is a centralized location on our website where taxpayers may register a new business or electronically file tax returns, make payments, and manage their tax accounts.
- File & Pay Use Tax (ST-44) - Should only be used by businesses that are not required to register for sales and use taxes. A taxpayer registered to file Form ST-1 should report any use tax liability on that form rather than Form ST-44.
- File Most Business Tax Forms Using MyTax Illinois
Bulk/Other Filing Methods
Business Income Tax
- Automated/Bulk Filing - (Modernized e-File (MeF) - File and pay - Enrollment required)
- Third Party Tax-Prep Software for Business Income Tax
- File on Paper
Excise/Misc. Taxes
- Automated/Bulk Filing - (Direct file - Enrollment required)
- Third Party Tax-Prep Software for Cigarette, Liquor, Telecom. & Tobacco
- File on Paper
Motor Fuel/IFTA
- IDR-277 - Use Tax Single Trip Permits - (File & Pay)
Sales & Use Taxes
- Automated/Bulk Filing - (ST-1 and ST-2 - File and pay - Enrollment required)
- Third Party Tax-Prep Software for Sales and Use Tax - (ST-1 and ST-2)
- Electronic Registration and Title Program for Motor Vehicles (i.e., cars, motorcycles, ATVs, Trailers, Watercraft, Aircraft, and Manufactured (Mobile) Homes) – Forms ST-556 and ST-556-LSE, RUT-25 and RUT-25-LSE, and RUT-50)
- File on Paper
Note: Electronic filing of the W-2, W-2c, and W-2G, is mandatory (1099-K in some situations).
- Electronic W-2 and 1099 Transmittal Program
- Automated/Bulk Filing - (FSET - File and pay - Enrollment required)
- UI-3/40 (MyTax Illinois) - (Illinois Department of Employment Security) Report and pay unemployment insurance tax through your MyTax Illinois account
- Third Party Tax-Prep Software for Withholding
- File on Paper