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Illinois - IFTA Carrier Compliance Walkthrough

All IFTA transactions are done online. MyTax Illinois, the Department of Revenue's online account management system, MUST be used for all IFTA transactions, including registration, license renewals, decal purchases, and filing and paying taxes.

If you qualify as an Illinois-based motor carrier ( i.e. a trucking company or a bus company) and your vehicles

  • travel in Illinois and at least one other state,
  • have two axles and a gross vehicle weight or registered gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds,
  • have three or more axles regardless of weight, or
  • are used in combination and the gross vehicle weight or the registered gross vehicle weight of the combined vehicles exceeds 26,000 pounds,

you are required to use the MyTax Illinois system to register for, and file tax returns under Illinois’ motor fuel use tax program. Refer to the Illinois Motor Fuel Use Tax Carrier Compliance Manual for more information.

The Illinois IFTA program has specific regulations that may affect how you register with our department. We have created a step-by-step survey to help you determine what action you must take.

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