How do I change my address for individual income tax?
If you have not yet filed a tax return, your address will be automatically updated when you file your Form IL-1040 or IL-1040-X. You can update it if you have a MyTax Illinois account for Individual Income Tax. To create an account, you must have a recent bill or notice from the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR).
If you have already filed, you may call us at 800 732-8866 to update the address while verifying tax information from your account with a representative. Call with a copy of your previously filed IL-1040 or with a notice you received.
Be aware that most mail from us is not forwarded by the US Postal Service, even if you have a forwarding address. This is for your protection. Please update your address with us if you have moved after you file a tax return.
Note: To enter a foreign address on Form IL-1040, write your street address on the "Mailing address" line, apartment number (if applicable), city, province, or state (and postal code; follow the country's practice) on the "City, State, ZIP" lines in that order, and country name (do not abbreviate) on the "Foreign Nation" line.