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2022 Income Tax Letter Rulings

Ruling Date Subject Synopsis
IT 22-0001-GIL
Corporations disallowed a federal wage deduction for the Employee Retention Credit are eligible for a subtraction modification as provided in IITA Section 203(b)(2)(I)(ii). (This is a GIL.)
01/11/2022​ ​Alternative Apportionment
​Alternative apportionment not appropriate when gross receipts arising from an incidental or occasional sale of assets used in the regular course of trade or business are excluded from the sales factor pursuant to 86 Ill.Adm. Code 100.3380(c)(2). (This is a GIL.)

​This letter responds to an annual survey(This is a GIL.)
​Illinois will follow the federal income tax treatment afforded to a trust for State income tax purposes. (This is a GIL.)
IT-22-0005-GIL​ ​04/12/2022 ​Unspecified Income-Annuities ​Annuity proceeds paid to Illinois estate and distributed to nonresident beneficiaries are unspecified income not allocated to Illinois pursuant to IITA Section 301(c)(2)(A) (This is a GIL.)
IT-22-0006-GIL ​04/15/2022 ​Allocation - Guaranteed Payments from
Partnership to Resident
​Resident partners include guaranteed payments in Illinois base income. (This is a GIL.)
IT-22-0007-GIL ​04/15/2022 ​Annualization - Installment Computation ​Standard exemption is disallowed in the computation of annualization installment if the adjusted gross income for that period exceeds IITA Section 204(g) thresholds. (This is a GIL.)
IT-22-0008-GIL ​05/10/2022 Partnerships ​Nonresident partner that sells its share of non-unitary partnership allocates nonbusiness capital gain from the sale under Section 303 of the Illinois Income Tax Act. (This is a GIL.)
IT-22-0009-GIL 06/14/2022​ Nexus/​Corporate Filing Requirements ​Nexus issues are not generally suitable for resolution by letter ruling. (This is a GIL.)
IT-22-0010-GIL 07/15/2022​ Miscellaneous ​This letter responds to an annual survey.  (This is a GIL.)
IT-22-0011-GIL 09/13/2022​ Alternative Apportionment ​Alternative apportionment not appropriate when gross receipts arising from an incidental or occasional sale of assets used in the regular course of trade or business generate a gain in goodwill are excluded from the sales factor pursuant to 86 Ill. Admin. Code Section 100.3380(c)(2).  (This is a GIL.)
IT-22-0012-GIL 12/06/2022 Miscellaneous An Illinois resident trust with Illinois based assets must file an Illinois income tax
return. (This is a GIL.)

Private Letter Rulings

Ruling Date Subject Synopsis
​Apportionment - Insurance Companies

Taxpayer's request to change method of sourcing reinsurance premiums under IITA Section 304(b)(2) is granted. (This is a PLR.)

IT-22-0002-PLR ​04/12/2022 ​Addition Modifications - Other Rulings Taxpayer who claimed bonus depreciation addition and subtraction modifications under IITA Sections 203(b)(2)(E-10) and (T) must add back the aggregate amount of subtraction modifications claimed on the property in the taxable year of an IRC Section 368(a)(1)(D) corporate reorganization. (This is a PLR.)​
IT-22-0003-PLR ​08/02/2022 ​Alternative Apportionment Taxpayer is granted permission to apportion interest income and income received from the sale of the right to receive future contingent payments by using the same apportionment factor for the year in which Taxpayer sold rights and property to a third party. (This is a PLR.)