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What should I know about applying for a motor fuel license?

If you act as a distributor, supplier, receiver, or blender, you must be licensed under the Motor Fuel Tax Law. Receivers must also be licensed under the Environmental Impact Fee Law. One receiver license is valid under both laws. 

If your principal place of business is in a state other than Illinois, you must be licensed in your "home" state without any unpaid liabilities in that state for monies due for the sale, distribution, or use of motor fuel prior to applying for an Illinois motor fuel license. You must also complete and return Form RMP-14, Designation and Appointment of Agent.

There is not a registration or license fee associated with motor fuel licenses however you will be required to file a bond prior to receiving your license. To apply for a blender’s permit, or for a license as a distributor, supplier, or receiver, you must complete Form REG-1, Illinois Business Registration Application, and Form REG-8-A, Motor Fuel and Other Fuel Information.

After we have reviewed your Form REG-8-A, you will be notified of the amount of bond to acquire. Your bond can be in the form of:

  • an insurance bond (complete Form REG-4-A, Financial Responsibility Bond) or
  • a letter of credit (complete Form REG-4-D, Financial Institution Irrevocable Letter of Credit Bond).

The minimum bond amount is $1,000 and the maximum bond cannot exceed twice the monthly amount that would be collectible as a tax in the event of a sale of motor fuel, or special fuel sold, distributed, and used by the distributor including tax-free sales, use, or distribution.


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