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Does the Illinois Department of Revenue contract with outside collection agencies to collect taxpayer debt?

Yes.  The Illinois Department of  Revenue currently contracts with the following agencies:

Harris & Harris
111 W. Jackson Blvd.,  Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60604 
866 354-0385    

Harvard Collection Services 
Harvard Business (HCS)
4839 N. Elston Ave.  
Chicago, IL 60630
800 265-4764   

Transworld System Inc.  
150 N. Field Dr.  
Lake Forest, IL 60045  
866 811-5205    

Linebarger Goggan Blair Sampson 
233 S Wacker Dr., Suite 4030
Chicago, IL 60606-0140 
866 857-1848

Alliance One
12 Northpoint Dr.
Streator, IL 61364
833 649-1552

You may access additional information by searching the entire Illinois Department of Revenue website.

If you have additional inquiries, you may submit them on the Questions, Comments, or Requests form.