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What is MyTax Illinois and how do I access it?

MyTax Illinois, available at, is a free online account management program offered by the state of Illinois to provide a centralized location for users to file returns, renew licenses, register for accounts, make payments, review correspondence, and generally manage their accounts. MyTax Illinois is utilized by the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR), the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES), and the Illinois Liquor Control Commission (ILCC). A user must create a logon to access most MyTax Illinois features, but some functions are available without creating a logon.


Most users of MyTax Illinois are individuals filing returns and making payments for Illinois Individual Income Tax. The option to file an Illinois individual income tax return without a MyTax Illinois logon is improved and now available for taxpayers who file a simple return. To file a non-login return, the user must have submitted a previous year Form IL-1040, Illinois Individual Income Tax Return with IDOR. See MyTax Illinois Functions below for additional standards to file a non-login return. To create a logon for MyTax Illinois, the user must have previously filed a Form IL-1040. We encourage individuals to take the time to create a logon for MyTax Illinois as doing so allows the user to access more functionality. Logon users may file an original Form IL-1040 and access a host of features explained in MyTax Illinois Functions below.


To be able to create a logon for MyTax Illinois, a business must already have been registered with one of the Illinois state agencies listed above. If you need to register your business, you can do so using MyTax Illinois by selecting “Register a New Business (Form REG-1)” in the Register panel on the MyTax Illinois homepage and complete Form REG-1, Illinois Business Registration Application. Once you receive the email confirming your registration has completed processing, the next day you can then select “Sign Up” on the MyTax Illinois homepage to create your logon. Contact our Central Registration Division at 217 785-3707 or by email at for information or assistance with registering your business.

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For more information on MyTax Illinois, visit the MyTax Illinois Help Guide.

If you have additional inquiries, you may submit them on the Questions, Comments, or Requests form.