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How do I change my address for individual income tax?

If you have not yet filed a tax return, your address will be automatically updated when you file your Form IL-1040 or IL-1040-X. You can update it if you have a MyTax Illinois account for Individual Income Tax. To create an account, you must have a recent bill or notice from the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR). 

If you have already filed, you may call us at  800 732-8866 to update the address while verifying tax information from your account with a representative. Call with a copy of your previously filed IL-1040 or with a notice you received.

Be aware that most mail from us is not forwarded by the US Postal Service, even if you have a forwarding address. This is for your protection. Please update your address with us if you have moved after you file a tax return.

Note: To enter a foreign address on Form IL-1040, write your street address on the "Mailing address" line, apartment number (if applicable), city, province, or state (and postal code; follow the country's practice) on the "City, State, ZIP" lines in that order, and country name (do not abbreviate) on the "Foreign Nation" line.

You may access additional information by searching the entire Illinois Department of Revenue website.

If you have additional inquiries, you may submit them on the Questions, Comments, or Requests form.