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What is an administrative hearing?

An administrative hearing is a formal legal proceeding conducted in a manner defined by the rules adopted by the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) or the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal and is presided over by an administrative law judge. To file a protest and ask for an administrative hearing, follow the instructions on your notice. An administrative hearing is a quasi-judicial proceeding. In other words, all phases of hearing and preliminary activities will be presided over by an administrative law judge and handled like matters in circuit court.

Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal

You must file a petition with the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal within the time specified on your notice if

  • the amount of your tax liability ─ excluding penalty and interest ─ is more than $15,000, or
  • no tax liability is assessed, but the total penalties and interest is more than $15,000.

Visit the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal's website for petition requirements and its rules.

IDOR Administrative Hearings

If the amounts at issue are not under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Independent Tax Tribunal, you must file a protest and request an administrative hearing with IDOR.

The administrative rules that govern IDOR's administrative hearings are located in  86 Ill. Adm. Code, Part 200.  A summary of the administrative hearing rules is provided below. Please consult the formal rules for complete details so that you are fully aware of your rights and responsibilities concerning a hearing.

Taxpayers may represent themselves or be represented by attorneys who are licensed to practice in Illinois. All attorneys must file a power of attorney prior to the hearing.

1.     All notices will be personally served or sent by the United States Postal Service or email prior to a scheduled hearing.

2.     If the taxpayer does not appear for any set matter, the taxpayer will be found in default.

3.     The procedures for administrative hearings are similar to those of court proceedings. Rules of evidence, as used in civil courts of this state, will be observed.

4.     Requests for continuance of any set matter must be in writing and filed no later than 48 hours prior to the date set for the proceeding. Any request or motion that  does not meet these requirements will not be considered unless of an emergency nature.

5.     Any party may engage in motion practice before the Office of Administrative Hearings and employ any motion normally brought in a circuit court proceeding.

6.     Once a power of attorney has been filed, taxpayer representatives cannot withdraw from representation without the presiding administrative law judge's approval.

7.     To become part of the official record, all papers, documents, and other matters that are not otherwise admitted into evidence in a hearing proceeding must  be appropriately captioned and filed with the administrative clerk.

8.     Taxpayers or their representatives may move to disqualify the administrative law judge assigned to the case for reasons of demonstrable conflict or bias.

After the hearing, a recommendation will be submitted to the director of IDOR. Upon the director's acceptance, you or your representative will receive notice of the final administrative decision. If the determination is against you, you may file a complaint with the circuit court within 35 days of the date the decision was mailed or personally served to you.

If you request and are granted an administrative hearing, it will be held at one of the following locations:

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You may access additional information by searching the entire Illinois Department of Revenue website.

If you have additional inquiries, you may submit them on the Questions, Comments, or Requests form.