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Who qualifies for the property tax credit on the individual income tax return?

You may figure a credit for Illinois Property Tax paid if 

  • your principal residence during the preceding year was in Illinois; 
  • you owned your residence; 
  • your tax bill included property used for your principal residence, yard, garage, or other structure used for personal purposes; and 
  • your property tax billed during the tax year has been paid.

You may not figure a credit for Illinois Property Tax on

  • taxes paid for property that is not your principal residence (e.g., vacation homes, rental property, non-adjacent lots) or 
  • penalties or fees included in your property tax bill.

For more information, please see  Publication 108, Illinois Property Tax Credit

Note:  You must include your Property Index Number on Schedule ICR, Illinois Credits, if you are claiming a property tax credit. You may get this number from your property tax bill, your assessment notice, your mortgage lender (if your property taxes are escrowed), or from the county assessor's office in which the property is located. In some counties this number is also referred to as the parcel number or permanent number. Failure to provide this information will result in processing and refund delays.

Note: For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2017, the Illinois property tax credit is not allowed if a taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income (AGI) exceeds $500,000 for returns with a federal filing status of married filing jointly, or $250,000 for all other returns.

You may access additional information by searching the entire Illinois Department of Revenue website.

If you have additional inquiries, you may submit them on the Questions, Comments, or Requests form.